Sunday, September 11, 2011

the Twins were born 9-1-11

Hi everyone !!! sorry its been a while the twins are here now !!! and to our surprise one of them is a boy !!!!! We had to be induced due to high blood pressure on 8-31-11 at 2pm and at 1:57 and 1:58 am after a very quck labor process the twins were born by c section at 35 .5 weeks due to twin A not being able to keep her heart rate up while pushing !! I only pushed for 5 mins before the doc knocked me out so he could get them here safely !!! Their names are Emily Rose born at 1:57 am 5lbs even and 17 1/2 inches long and Gracen Dean born 1:58am 5.3 lbs and 18 inches long !! here are a few photos !!