Sunday, September 11, 2011

the Twins were born 9-1-11

Hi everyone !!! sorry its been a while the twins are here now !!! and to our surprise one of them is a boy !!!!! We had to be induced due to high blood pressure on 8-31-11 at 2pm and at 1:57 and 1:58 am after a very quck labor process the twins were born by c section at 35 .5 weeks due to twin A not being able to keep her heart rate up while pushing !! I only pushed for 5 mins before the doc knocked me out so he could get them here safely !!! Their names are Emily Rose born at 1:57 am 5lbs even and 17 1/2 inches long and Gracen Dean born 1:58am 5.3 lbs and 18 inches long !! here are a few photos !!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

My babies nursery !!

Sorry I have not been on in a while !!! So as for a quick update !! My Twinies are doing so well !!! moving right along no problems yet except for swelling and my dr is taking me off of work as of next week so ill be almost 33 weeks !! I am now going in to the Dr. every week and in to the hospital for a Non Stress Test NST every week just to make sure there are no complications !!! Here are some pic's of the nursery !!!